start from the beginning. Pday last Monday was great. We got tons of
stuff done, and we ended the night having a family home evening at the
Shearers and learning how to play Chinese Checkers. I lost.
we went on an exchange with the sisters in Fairview. This is something
that I have been looking forward to for WEEKS because there is a member
there who is a chiropractor and he gives free adjustments to
missionaries. I felt like a new person. I hope our investigators feel
half as good as that when they enter into the waters of baptism. (joke).
I got to stay in Fairview with sister Zaugg. It was so great. They were
out of miles on their car so we walked around for 5 hours and I really
felt like I got the full mission experience. Now I am stressing out
because I worry that the Lord was secretly trying to prepare me to go
into a walk area. Not okay!
I guess that way I could get back in shape...
Oh! Did I mention that I cut down my mile to 10 minutes? Anyone impressed yet? ;)
Neither am I...
Ah well.
While I was on the exchange we went to a Relief Society activity and I
won a cheesecake and it was awesome... hands down best activity of my
life! Also Sis Zaugg got peanut butter fudge which was epic. (Anyone
still wondering why my mile takes me 10 minutes?
Then we exchanged back on Wednesday
after district meeting and Sister Talbot and I headed to Chambersburg
to go to MLC. The road trip was great. We have a new Zone Leader - Elder
Stallings - and he's really awesome. So we spent the car ride asking
deep soul searching questions and talking about life and how we can help
improve the zone. It was grand.
was ALSO my favorite day because we got to see the Clarksons. I
couldn't even wait to see them. I pounded and pounded on their door and
they answered and I just hugged and hugged and hugged those wonderful
people because I just miss them so much.
Then they took us to the mission office and we got...
was... the single greatest moment... of... okay I couldn't figure out
how to end this statement and keep it true. ;) It was a great moment.
But I've definitely experienced greater.
It is a really nice car though. :) It makes a really nice vroooom noise.
Well anyway we stayed Wednesday
night with the Clarksons and had breaky with them the next morning
before going to MLC. Guess who was there!? SISTER LANDA. And like a
billion other people that I know and love. It was so great! So I got to
sit by her and it was wonderful. And I decided once and for all that I'm
going to USU and rooming with that wonderful woman.
next item of business is the fact that we had people visiting from the
missionary department and it was the greatest training of my ENTIRE
mission. No overstatement. It not only changed my mission, but changed
my life. They answered SO MANY of my prayers, and straight up... just by
applying the principles that they taught at that training over the last
3 days, we have already seen miracles and blessings from it.
That's crazy.
That. Is. Crazy.
yeah. To say the least, it was an incredible meeting. I feel bad for
all of the people that didn't get to attend. But I still am happy that I
got to be there with Sister Talbot and Sister Landa.
It was a really good time.
some good things have to come to their end... and so we headed back to
Hanover with the Chambersburg Zone Leaders. On the way home, we were
able to stop and help someone in the pouring rain. She was so awesome.
She was stuck on the freeway and we said this prayer with her and this
powerful spirit was there... It was a great experience. We gave her our
phone number... but she never texted or called (at least not yet). We're
still waiting!
Friday was really awesome. We got to do some weekly planning and teach a couple great lessons. Then Saturday
was incredible. We picked up a family of new investigators and they
accepted to be baptized. We didn't set them with a date yet, though,
because we felt that the mom had a concern. We tried to ask questions,
but it didn't seem like she trusted us enough yet to bring it up. So
we're going to try and get to know them and serve them a little more.
They are incredible and even came to church yesterday. The ward just
loves them.
That evening, we were able to meet with Lauryn and Brady (now Brother and Sister Hinton
) two of our other INCREDIBLE investigators. They're theee coolest people. We were able to give them a new baptismal date of May 30
and they seem really excited about it. We went to get Ritas afterward.
It was my first time and I got Vanilla mixed with Horchata and I was on a
sugar high for like 3 hours afterward and I think I woke up with a
hangover the next day ;) hahaha
was also awesome. We got tons of referrals and we're excited to go
contact them and hopefully pick up some new investigators and man alive
this area is seriously just booming with people to teach lately. We
never have enough time. It's so great! I'm exhausted! I love it!
evening we were able to have dinner with an awesome family! Three of
them are nonmembers and we watched meet the mormons and they had lots of
great questions and we set a return appointment to come and teach them
about the restoration, which we're really excited about!!
bot not leastly... Today was the biggest blessing. There is an
incredible couple living in the Gettysburg ward and they have been here
for about 20 years. The Sister is so wonderful and she was a tour guide
for Gettysburg for many years and she volunteered to take us and show us
around the battlefields. So this morning we were able to go and the
spirit was wonderful and she walked us through all 3 days of the battle
of Gettysburg and told us a lot of historical facts about the civil war
and then they took us out to get Mexican food and they are angels.
yeah, so basically I'm a civil war buff and I'm bringing every single
one of you back to Gettysburg so I can show off my impressive knowledge.
Or maybe I'll just call up this couple and rent a tour bus and they'll
just take us around because she seriously knows EVERYTHING about the
Civil War.
What. You think I'm joking?
You don't even know.
Well that was my week. So many other wonderful things happened that I
just don't have time to write about because we spent too long touring
Gettysburg. But... #sorrynotsorry
I just want
to thank you guys, seriously, all of you, for all of the love and
support I get. For the cards, emails, packages, the help that I receive
in funding for my mission, the prayers, the good vibes that are
constantly being sent my way... Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I
know there are other missionaries out there that don't have the amazing
support group that I have and I am grateful every day for each of
I love you!!
Happy Summer!! (Since it was 87 degrees today in Hanover... yikes!)
Hermana Bills