FIRST OFF. Shoutout to Courtney Nichole Crockett. I don't know about you but she's feeling 22. AND SHE'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL 22 YEAR OLD ON THE PLANET.
I love you Court!
It's my last couple of days here in the CCM! I'm so stoked to be leaving and this last week has been incredible! I can't believe that in three more days I'll be waking up and heading back to the airport!
So usually I keep a little paper of things throughout the week that I'm going to tell you all about. But this week I accidentally left it in the classroom so you're just going to get my random thoughts.
So more in the way of praying for food. This last week we've had some pretty sketchy food stuffs. We swear the the way the food looks going in is the same way it looks coming out sometimes. So I was going to cry one day cause we had just gotten done fasting and then they had this nasty rubbery turkey. It was cold and covered in like watery gravy... I just... yeah. So luckily we have this nutella bar where you can go make toast and stuff and put nutella on it. So Hermana Burnham and I were like "let's just get toast". But sometimes the circuts get overheated or something? I don't really know anything about anything. But the toasters won't work when it happens. So that happened when I was trying to get my toast and I was like "no. this can't be happening."
Ladies and gentlemen, I stood right there in front of my toaster and prayed to my Father for it to work. He's got to be shaking His head at me up there in heaven. But when I put my bread in that toaster and pushed the button down, my toaster worked even though all the other ones still weren't working.
It's a dumb example, obviously. But the Lord answers prayers.
Hermana Burnham was like, "that did not just happen."
So classic.
Also I got asked on a date out here. So that was completely awkward and I turned beet red. Also I said no in case y'all are wondering.
Fast Sunday was cool. I love bearing my testimony in Spanish. Spanish is so cool! Also, every Sunday we have movie night and this week we watched the testaments. It was so neat. Afterward, reading the Book of Mormon was a completely different experience. It really came to life. I finished it this week and prayed to know it it's true! if anyone is wondering what answer I got, you should check out Moroni 10:4 through 5! good stuff!
Since it was our last week this week, we got to host! They started doing this new thing here at the CCM because we keep getting these MASSIVE groups of missionaries where the districts who are getting to leave get to help out on Wednesdays to take the new missionaries to their homes. It's seriously the coolest experience. Our house has been empty for a week and a half now but we finally got housemates and we got to help them move in! It was aweeesommeee!!
Okay I'm out of time so I'll end with one more story. We have this friend in the post office here named Alicia and this week we got to meet her daughter. Her daughter doesn't speak English so I got to have a conversation with her and I was just so happy with how much I could speak! She's so cute. Her name is Dani.
Anyway. I get to send out one more email on Saturday before I leave for Pittburgh on Monday so I'll fill you all in on anything I left out!
I'm so excited to get to the field!
This work is incredible!! :)